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Gardner Winter Music Festival, Morgantown, WV

2004 GWMF - On-Stage Performances (1)

Susan Weisbrod and Richard Kusy, guitars

Bob Morgan, banjo; Tracy Rohrbaugh, mandolin; Ray Hicks, bass; Cliff Hale, guitar
Appalachian Tradition

Corbet James (banjo), Bogey Lowe (bass), David Swiger,  Art Madden (guitar), Jack Judy (banjo)
Blackberry Jam

Patty Looman and Dulcimer Dames
Dulcimer Dames

Tob O'Brien, guitar; Elmer Rich, fiddle; Judy Hiergeist, bass
Elmer Rich and the Brew House Crew

Les Caraher, Mary Caraher, Ken Sheller
Falling Branch String Band

Tim Selman,banjo; Tom White, guitar; Ray Hicks, vocal; Brad Linton, guitar; Bruce Jones,
Falling Run Bluegrass Band

Jarred Nutter, fiddle; Wayne Nutter, bass; Scott Pearson, guitar; Adam Hurt, banjo
Jarred Nutter and friends

Sea Raven
Sea Raven and her Celtic Harp

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